姓名:葉月嬌 (Yueh-Chiao, Stella Yeh)
地址:62249 嘉義縣大林鎮南華路一段55
E- mailycyeh@nhu.edu.tw
現職 (Position)
南華大學副校長 Vice President, Nanhua University
高教深耕計畫辦公室執行長 Chief Executive Officer of “Higher Education Sprout Project”
大學社會責任實踐計畫辦公室執行長 Chief Executive Officer of “University Social Responsibility”
台灣慢城聯盟總顧問 Chief Consultant of Cittaslow Taiwan Alliance
雲林國際慢食社群-地球市集 執行秘書及總聯繫人
Executive Secretary of Slow Food Community, Yunlin Earth Market of Slow Food International
Professor, Department of Natural Biotechnology & Mater’s Program in Natural Healing Sciences
學歷 (Education/Trainig)
美國加州大學爾灣分校 全英語授課師資訓練 EMI Teacher Training Program, University of California, Irvine, USA
東海大學 生命科學系 博士 Ph.D. in Life Science, Tunghai University, Taiwan    
東海大學 生物系 碩士  M.S. in Biology, Tunghai University, Taiwan   
中興大學 畜牧系 學士  B.S. in Animal Science, Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan    
經歷 (Work Experience)
南華大學主任秘書 University Secretary, Nanhua University
Chair of Department of Natural Biotechnology & Mater’s Program in Natural Healing Sciences, Nanhua University
Founding and 2nd President of Biotechnology and Health Care Association of Taiwan
東引鄉、池上鄉與竹田鄉 國際慢城推動委員
The promotion committee member of Dongying, Chishang, and Zhutian Cittaslow International
代表台灣 參加義大利帕瑪舉辦的2023年國際慢城年會
Representative of Cittaslow Taiwan Alliance in 2023 Cittaslow International Assembly in Parma, Italy
代表雲林國際慢食社群 參加2024國際慢食大會
Representative of Slow Food Community, Yunlin Earth Market in 2024 Terra Madre in Turin, Italy
美國約翰霍普金斯大學過敏及臨床免疫中心 博士後研究員
Research Fellow in Center of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
台中榮總心血管中心 博士後研究員
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Cardiovascular Center of Taichung Veteran General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
專書 (Books or Magazine in Chinese Edition)
台灣慢城指南 (著者) (預計2025出版)
Cittaslow Taiwan Guide(as Author)       (as author and expected to be published in 2025)
慢食慢活廚房~跟著蝸牛去旅行 (著者) (2022年出版)
Slow Food & Slow Life Kitchen~ Go Traveling with Snail” (as author and had published in 2022)
台灣生物科技暨健康產業雜誌 (發行人) (2020年創刊)
“Taiwan Journal of Biotechnology and Health Care” (as issuer and had published in 2020)
大林生態之美~ 鳴鳥@南華大學 (總編輯) (2020年出版)
“The Beauty of Ecology in Dalin Township~ Songbird @ Nanhua University” (as Editor-in-Chief and had published in 2020)
一起說大林的故事 (總編輯) (2019年出版)
“Let Tell Cittaslow Dalin Township’s Story Together” (as Editor-in-Chief and had published in 2019)
大林生態之美~ @南華大學 (總編輯) (2018年出版)
“The Beauty of Ecology in Dalin Township~ Bird @ Nanhua University” (as Editor-in-Chief and had published in 2018)

Follow Professor Yeh 慢食慢活 https://www.youtube.com/@professoryeh
專業會員 (Professional Memberships)
2024-               Slow Food Community- Yunlin Earth Market of Slow Food International
2023-               Slow Food Taipei- Taiwan
2019-               Biotechnology and Health Care Association of Taiwan
2018-               BMC-CAM journal (Associate Editor)
2013-               Slow food association
2012-2013       The American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association
2010-2013       The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
2008-2009       American Academic of Allergy Asthma & Immunology
2004-2008       Society for the Study of Reproduction
2003-2008       American Society for Cell Biology
1999-2012       The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology
1997-2000       Microscopy & Microanalysis
獲獎 (Honors)
2022    The 6th International Symposium on Sustainable Development and Green Technology in 2022, , Taiwan (The First Place in the Poster Paper Competition)
2021        Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Spirit Award of College Student Stationed in Rural Community Project, Taiwan
2020  南華大學107學年度教師評鑑獎勵科技學院輔導及服務績優獎勵
2019  南華大學106學年度教師評鑑獎勵科技學院輔導及服務績優獎勵
2019  南華大學王美只生命教育師鐸獎-教學典範
2018  南華大學105學年度全校傑出教學教師
2015  南華大學103學年度教師評鑑獎勵科技學院輔導及服務績優獎勵
2015  南華大學優良珍珠導師
2015  南華大學專任教師研究獎勵
2015  南華大學王美只生命教育師鐸獎-行政優良
2015  南華大學全校優良導師
2014  南華大學優良珍珠導師
2014  南華大學專任教師研究獎勵
2013  行政院國科會102補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才
2013  南華大學專任教師研究獎勵
2013  南華大學專題研究計畫獎
2012  行政院國科會101補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才
2012  南華大學專任教師研究獎勵
2011  南華大學專任教師研究獎勵
2011    The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Young Scientist Travel Award, USA
2007    Med Immune Biotech Company. Respiratory, Inflammation, and Autoimmunity Abstract Competition, USA
2007    Society for the Study of Reproduction, Trainee Award of Larry Ewing Memorial Travel Fund, USA        
2005    The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China, Excellent in Academic Performance, Taiwan 
2005    Society for the Study of Reproduction, Trainee Award of Larry Ewing Memorial Travel Fund, USA            
2005    Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology, Research Assistant, Graduate Student and Postdocs Traveling Award, Taiwan     
2001    14th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Excellent Poster Award, Taiwan
認證 (Certification)
2019             Elementary Sommelier, Applied Business Management Association, Taiwan
2018-2020    Associate Editor, BMC-CAM Journal, UK                            
2018             Internship Supervisor, HASERA Agriculture Research and Training Center, Nepal
2018-2024    Taiwan Sexuality Educator, Taiwan Association of Sexuality Education, Taiwan
2018-2023    Trainer for International Etiquette, TǛV Rheinland Certified Qualification    
2018             IACUC Training, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, USA
2018             Conference and Exhibition Professional English Manager, CEO International Certification, Taiwan                                                                                                   
2016             Foreign Language Team Leader, Examination Yuan, Taiwan                  
2016             Senior Citizen Tour Planner, Applied Business Management Association, Taiwan
學術專長及研究 (Statements of Research Interests)
Significant Contributions to Science: My research has made significant contributions to understanding the mechanisms of cardiovascular and endothelial dysfunctions, testicular development and lung cancer cell deaths. For example, my 2020 study on endothelial dysfunction has provided critical insights into the apoptotic, necrotic, and senescent pathways induced by oxidative stress, which has been cited by subsequent research exploring protective measures against such stress. Other significant contributions to science include demonstrating that a standardized extract of Ginkgo Biloba suppresses doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and p53-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in rat testes. Additionally, my 2015 publication on shikonin's effects on lung cancer cells has influenced further studies on chemoresistance and combination therapies. For more information, please see the following.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6488-7144

  • Researches of Pharmacology and Toxicology using Cell and Experimental Animal Models:
One of my researches and teaching is focusing on “Experimental animal research in cardiovascular, testicular, and lung functions” which involves studying the progression and treatment of diseases using animal models. These research areas aimed to understand the mechanisms of disease development and spread, identify potential therapeutic targets, and evaluate the efficacy and safety of new treatments. By utilizing animal models, my research can mimic human disease conditions, allowing for in-depth investigation of cardiovascular diseases, testicular development and the metastatic pathways of lung cancer to colorectal cancer. These researches are crucial for translating findings into clinical applications, ultimately leading to improved treatments and patient cares.
  • Researches in Upper and Lower Airway Remodeling Mechanism of Asthma:
In the study of “allergy and clinical immunology”, my researches were focused on understanding the biological and environmental factors that trigger and exacerbate the condition. Through detailed mechanistic studies, I seek to identify new therapeutic targets and improve management strategies for asthma patients. This work is crucial in developing better treatment protocols and enhancing the quality of life for those suffering from this chronic respiratory disease.
  • Researches in Complementary and Alternative Medicines:
My research interests also centered on the field of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), particularly examining how various non-pharmacological interventions can enhance mental health and well-being in diverse populations. Through my studies, including the investigation of CAM practices used by middle-aged to older Taiwanese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of creative activities for anxiety reduction in community-dwelling older adults, I aimed to demonstrate the efficacy of these approaches. Additionally, my ongoing work explores the impact of Emotional Freedom Techniques and footbaths on anxiety relief and physiological responses, highlighting the crucial role of CAM in promoting resilience and improving health outcomes in both chronic pain patients and young adults.
10年研究計畫案 (Research Projects Conducted in The Past 10 Years)

Project Title Role Dates Funding Status Total Funding
協助「台灣慢城聯盟相關業務及活動」 Project leader 2025/1-2025/12 Cittaslow Taiwan Alliance Executing 588,165
大學社會責任實踐:以慢城意涵推動宜居城鎮生活 Project co-leader 2023/1-2024/12 Ministry of Education Closed 9,000,000
南華大學USR計畫辦公室輔導雲林縣政府成立「雲林國際慢食社群」 Project leader 2024/5/1-2024/12/31 Yunlin County Closed 300,000
台東縣池上鄉鄉公所 113年度「2024年第五屆台灣慢城年會」活動規劃服務計畫書 Project leader 2024/3/21-2024/10/31 Chishang Township Closed 150,000
協助「台灣慢城聯盟相關業務及活動」 Project leader 2024/1-2024/12 Cittaslow Taiwan Alliance Closed 573,000
連江縣東引鄉113年度申請義大利「國際慢城組織(Cittaslow International)」認證計畫 Project leader 2024/1-2025/6 Tongyin Township Executing 300,000
112TEEP@Asia Plus蹲點計畫(個別型) Project leader 2024/1-2022/12 Ministry of Education Closed 90,000
大學社會責任實踐:以慢城意涵推動宜居城鎮生活 Project co-leader 2024/1-2024/12 Ministry of Education Closed 9,000,000
協助「2023年第四屆台灣慢城年會」接待外賓參加年會及訪視 Project leader 2023/9-2023/10 Nanzhuang Township Closed 50,000
輔導辦理「2023年第四屆台灣慢城年會」 Project leader 2023/7-2023/10 Nanzhuang Township Closed 50,000
撰寫「池上慢城」計畫書 Project leader 2023/1-2023/12 Chishang Township Closed 137,500
大學社會責任實踐:以慢城意涵推動宜居城鎮生活 Project co-leader 2023/1-2023/12 Ministry of Education Closed 9,000,000
大學社會責任實踐:以慢城意涵推動宜居城鎮生活 Project co-leader 2022/1-2022/12 Ministry of Education Closed 9,000,000
情緒釋放技術改善慢性疼痛患者焦慮及生理反應之成效 Project leader 2021/8-2022/7 Nanhua University Closed 25,000
109TEEP@Asia Plus蹲點計畫(個別型) Project leader 2020/2-2022/6 Ministry of Education Closed 30,000
2022年第三屆台灣慢城年會 (產學) Project leader 2022/1/11-2022/2/28 Sanyi Township Closed 90,000
輔導苗栗縣三義鄉公所辦理2022第三屆台灣慢城年會 (產學) Project leader 2022/3/1-2022/6/30 Sanyi Township Closed 60,000
撰寫「竹田慢城」計畫書 Project leader 2022/4/11-2022/6/30 Zhutian Township Closed 99,000
研究黑胡椒活性成分胡椒鹼降低高脂高膽固醇飲食合併手術後壓力大鼠誘發心血管及肝臟細胞死亡之免疫調節作用機轉 Project leader 2021/8-2022/12 National Science and Technology Council Closed 800,000
推動生技健康學術研究聯盟 Project leader 2021/3-2021/12 Nanhua University Closed 86,000
台灣中老年人自我療癒力管理與身心靈健康之相關性 Project leader 2020/8-2021/7 Nanhua University Closed 26,000
大學社會責任實踐:以慢城意涵推動宜居城鎮生活 Project co-leader 2020/1-2021/12 Ministry of Education Closed 9,000,000
「實現永續生技農業夢想」-泰國清邁產業見習與清萊House Roast咖啡園實習計畫 Project leader 2020/7-2022/10 Ministry of Education Closed 720,000
高血脂飲食影響大鼠進行非心臟手術後心血管與肝臟功能之作用 Project leader 2018/8-2019/7 Nanhua University Closed 25,000
針灸對纖維肌痛症的療效與神經免疫機轉研究 Project co-leader 2018/8-2019/7 National Science and Technology Council Closed 1,000,000
探討彩繪藝術活動對女性乳癌病人焦慮及生理反應之效益 Project leader 2018/8-2019/7 Nanhua University Closed 25,000
大學社會責任實踐:大林慢城營造趣 Project co-leader 2017/8-2019/12 Ministry of Education Closed
「實現永續生技農業夢想」-尼泊爾HASERA農業研究暨訓練中心新南向學海築夢實習計畫 Project leader 2018/7-2018/8 Ministry of Education Closed 610,470
探討足浴對女大學生焦慮及生理參數之作用 Project leader 2017/8-2018/7 Nanhua University Closed 25,000
中藥補骨脂對類風濕性關節炎的療效與機轉研究    Project co-leader 2015/8-2018/7 National Science and Technology Council Closed 4,390,000
分析新聞刊登類型與學生就讀意願之相關性 Project leader 2017/1-2017/5 Nanhua University Closed 15,000
探究紫草素促進化療藥物小紅莓誘發肺癌細胞死亡及抑制細胞轉移之可能機轉 Project leader 2016/8-2017/7 Nanhua University Closed 25,000
生物多樣永續樂活 Project leader 2015/2-2015/7 Ministry of Education Closed 110,500
紫草素經由增加p53蛋白質表現誘發人類肺癌細胞產生凋亡、壞死及老化作用質表現誘發人類肺癌細胞產生凋亡、壞死及老化作用 Project leader 2015/2-2016/7 Nanhua University Closed 50,000
著作 (Publications)
SCI Journal:
(Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=oXTxCp4AAAAJ&hl=en)

  1. Liu, Y. Y., Yeh, Y. C. (2022). Complementary and alternative medicines used by middle-aged to older Taiwanese adults to cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey. Healthcare 10(11), 2250. (Impact factor: 3.160; Health policy & services; Ranking 115/273; 42.1%) (Corresponding author)
  2. Liu, T. J., Yeh, Y. C., Lee, W. L., Wang L. C., Lee, H. W., Shiu, M. T., Su, C. S., Lai, H. C. (2020). Insulin ameliorates hypoxia-induced autophagy, endoplasmic reticular stress and apoptosis of myocardial cells: in vitro and ex vivo models. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 880 (173125):1-14. (Impact factor: 4.432; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous); Ranking 149/773; 19.28%) (Contributed equally to first author)
  3. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Lai, H. C. (2020). Pathobiological mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide via apoptosis, necrosis and senescence in a rat model. Int. J. Med. Sci. 17(3):368-382. (Impact factor: 3.738; Medicine (miscellaneous); Ranking 658/2448; 26.9%) (Corresponding author)
  4. Koo, M., Chen, H. P., Yeh, Y. C. (2020). Coloring activities for anxiety reduction and mood improvement in Taiwanese community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled study. eCAM. Article ID 6964737, 6 pages (Impact factor: 2.629; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Ranking: 22/93; 23.7) (Corresponding author)
  5. Yeh, Y. C., Jiang, R.S., Wang, R. C., Huang, W. C., Chen, S. C., Lin, B. S., Yen, H. R., Liang, K. L. (2015). Dose-response relationship of specific allergen exposure-induced immunological tolerance: a mouse model. Int. Forum Allergy & Rhinol. 5(9):784-93. (Impact factor: 3.858; Otorhinolaryngology; Ranking: 4/107=3.7%)
  6. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Lai, H. C. (2015). Shikonin induces apoptosis, necrosis and premature senescence of human A549 lung cancer cells through up-regulation of p53 expression. eCAM. Article ID 620383, 13 pages (Impact factor: 2.629; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Ranking: 22/93; 23.7)
  7. Koo, M., Liang, K.L., Jiang, R.S., Tsao, H., Yeh, Y.C. (2014). Association between disease-specific quality of life and complementary medicine use in patients with rhinitis in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey study. eCAM. Article ID 958524, 8 pages (Impact factor: 2.629; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Ranking: 22/93; 23.7) (Corresponding author)
  8. Koo, M., Liang, K.L., Tsao, H., Yen, T.T., Jiang, R.S., Yeh, Y.C. (2013). Factors associated with the use of different treatment modalities among patients with upper airway diseases in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey study. J. Allergy 2013:720879. (RG Journal Impact: 2.00)  (Corresponding author)
  9. Liang, K. L., Jiang, R. S., Wang, R. C., Koo, M., Chen, S. C., Huang, W. C., Yeh, Y. C. (2013). Upper-airway inflammation exacerbates bronchial hyperreactivity in mouse models of rhinosinusitis and allergic asthma. Int. Forum Allergy & Rhinol. 3(7):532-42. (Impact factor: 3.858; Otorhinolaryngology; Ranking: 4/107=3.7%) (Corresponding author)
  10. Lai, H. C., Yeh, Y. C., Wang, L. C., Lee, H. W., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Wang, K. Y., Wu, A., Su, C. S., and Liu, T. J. (2011). Propofol ameliorates doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and cellular apoptosis in rat cardiomyocytes. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 257(3):437-48. (Impact factor: 4.219; Toxicity; Ranking 26/123; 21.1%)
  11. Lai, H. C., Yeh, Y. C., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Lee, H. W., Wang, L. C., Wang, K. Y., Wu, C., Wu, A., and Liu, T. J. (2011). Ginkgo Biloba extract 761 suppresses hypoxia-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis through inhibiting distinct cellular signaling pathways. Biomed. Prevent. Nutri. 1(4):282-293. (RG Journal Impact: 1.37)
  12. Liu, T. J., Yeh, Y. C., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Lee, H. W., Wang, L. C., Wang, K. Y., Lai, H. C., Wu, A., and Lai,. H. C. (2010). Doxycycline suppresses doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and cellular apoptosis in mouse hearts. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 644:176-187. (Impact factor: 4.432; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous); Ranking 149/773; 19.28%)
  13. Yeh, Y. C., Xie, .L, Langdon, J. M., Oh, S. Y., Zhu, Z., and MacDonald, S. M. (2010). The effects of overexpression of histamine releasing factor (HRF) in a transgenic mouse model. PLoS ONE 11;5(6):e11077. (Impact factor: 3.534; Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 13/135; 7.4%)
  14. Ou, H. C., Song, T. Y., Yeh, Y. C., Huang, C. Y., Yang, S. F., Chiu, T. H., Tsai, K. L., Chen, K. L., Wu, Y. J., Tsai, C. S., Chang, L. Y., Kuo, W. W., Lee, S. D. (2010). EGCG protects against oxidized LDL-induced endothelial dysfunction by inhibiting LOX-1-mediated signaling. J. Appl. Physiol. 108: 1745-1756. (Impact factor: 3.044; Sport Science; Ranking: 32/125; 25.6%).
  15. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Wang, L. C., Lee, H. W., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Hung, C. J., Wang, K. Y., Lai, H. C., and Lai, H. C. (2009). A standardized extract of Ginkgo Biloba extract suppresses doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and p53-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in rat testes. Br. J. Pharmacol. 156: 48-61. (Impact factor: 8.739; Pharmacology & Pharmacy Ranking: 12/275, 4.4%).
  16. Liu, T. J., Yeh, Y. C., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L, Wang, L. C., Lee, H. W., Wang, K.Y., Lai, H. C., and Lai, H. C. (2008). Ginkgo Biloba extract 761 reduces doxorubicin-induced apoptotic damage in rat hearts and neonatal cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc. Res. 80:227-235. (Impact factor: 10.787; Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems; Ranking: 12/142; 8.6%). (Contributed equally to first author)
  17. Yeh, Y. C., Lai, H. C., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L, Wang, L. C., Wang, K.Y., Lai, H. C., and Liu, T. J. (2007). Protection by doxycycline against doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in mouse testes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 74:969-980. (Impact factor: 5.858; Pharmacology; Ranking: 37/314; 11.8%).
  18. Yeh, Y. C., Yang, V. C., Huang, S. C., and Lo, N. W. (2005) Stage-dependent expression of extraembryonic tissue-spermatogenesis-homeobox gene 1 (ESX1) protein; a candidate marker for X chromosome-bearing sperm. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17: 447-455. (Impact factor: 2.31, Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Animal Science and Zoology, Ranking 57/416, 13.7%)
  19. Yeh, Y. C., Hwang, G. Y., Liu, I. P., and Yang, V. C. (2002) Identification and expression of scavenger receptor SR-BI in endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells of rat aorta in vitro and in vivo. Atherosclerosis 161: 95-103. (Impact factor: 5.162, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Ranking 37/324, 11.4%)
Taiwan Journal:

  1. 張禎芸(Chang, C. Y.) 葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2024)。情緒釋放技術對緩解患有慢性疼痛成年人的焦慮與生理反應成效。(Effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Ameliorating Anxiety and Physiological Responses in Adults with Chronic Pain)。醫學與健康期刊(Effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Ameliorating Anxiety and Physiological Responses in Adults with Chronic Pain)(accepted)(Corresponding author)
  2. 譚博謙(Tan, B. C.) 葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2024)。足浴改善女大學生情緒焦慮與生理參數之作用:隨機對照試驗。(Effects of footbaths on emotional anxiety and physiological parameters in female university students: A randomized controlled study)。運動與遊憩研究(Journal of Sport and Recreation Research)19(3):39-56(Corresponding author)
  3. 林俊宏(Lin, J. H.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2023)。大學生參與互動式線上設計思考工作坊對創新學習之成效-以台灣南部某大學為例 (The Impact of Innovative Learning of University Students Participating in Interactive Online Design Thinking Workshop: A Case Study in One University at Southern Taiwan)。通識教育與跨域研究 (General Education and Transdisciplinary Research)28:41-66(Corresponding author)
  4. 葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.) (2022)。破解端粒及端粒酶效應的女性遺傳學家(Leading Female Geneticists Discovered the Functions of Telomere and Telomerase)。台灣生物科技暨健康產業協會雜誌(Taiwan Journal of Biotechnology and Health Care)8:28-34(First author & Corresponding author)
  5. 顏廷廷(Yen, T. T.)梁凱莉(Liang, K. L.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2021)影響中老年女性鼻炎及鼻竇炎患者使用醫療之因子(Factors Associated with the Use of Treatment Modalities among Middle-aged and Elderly Women with Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis)。台灣老年學暨老年醫學會雜誌(Taiwan Geriatrics and Gerontology)16(4):314-332(Corresponding author)
  6. 謝志成、葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2021)COVID-19病毒肆虐全球-疫苗能讓生活重返正常嗎? (Can Vaccines Help Life Get Back to the Way it was before the COVID-19 Pandemic?)。台灣生物科技暨健康產業協會雜誌(Taiwan Journal of Biotechnology and Health Care)5:30-36(Corresponding author)
  7. 林玲慧(Ling, L. H.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)李楊成(Lee, Y. C.)蔡長松(Tsai, C. S.)(2020)彩繪曼陀羅改善乳癌病患焦慮與生理反應之成效(Effect of Coloring Mandala on Reducing Anxiety and Physiological Responses in Breast Cancer Patients)臺灣醫學(Formosan Journal of Medicine)20(3):1-12(Corresponding author)
  8. 葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)洪月琴(Hung, Y. C.)黃雪莉(Huang H. L.)潭博謙(Tan B. C.)林玲慧(Ling L. H.)(2019)。女性護理人員痛經因子與芳香精油減緩經痛之現況調查(A Survey Investigation of Dysmenorrhea and Essential Oil Utilization for Relieving Menstrual Cramps in Female Nurses.) 。領導護理 (Leadership Nursing) 20(1):28-46 (Corresponding author)
  9. 江東頴(Chiang, T.Y.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2018)。壽險業務人員使用輔助療法以舒緩工作壓力和改善睡眠品質之因子。(Factors associated with the complementary therapy use for alleviating work stress and improving the quality of sleep by life insurance agents) 。實證自然醫學(Evidenced Natural Medicine)3(1):1-16(Corresponding author)
  10. 林孟瑾(Lin, M. C.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)(2015)。電信業電話客戶服務人員使用按摩與輔助療法紓緩工作疲勞之情形與相關因子(Pattern and factors associated with massage therapy and complementary therapies utilization on relieving work-related fatigue among telephone customer services personnel in telecommunications industry)。實證自然醫學(Evidenced Natural Medicine)1(2):17-26
  11. 李明和(Lee, M. H.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)、顏廷廷(Yen, T. T.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2014)。影響輪班消防人員睡眠品質因子之探討(Investigation of Factors Associated with Sleep Quality among Shiftwork Firefighters)。勞工安全衛生研究季刊(Journal of Occupational Safety and Health)22(3):237-247(Corresponding author)
  12. 許添貴(Hsu, T. K.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2014)。影響台灣急診科醫師使用輔助療法之相關因子(Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary medicine in Emergency Department Physicians in Taiwan)。臺灣醫學(Formosan Journal of Medicine)18:153-162(Corresponding author)
  13. 許添貴(Hsu, T. K.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2013)。影響台灣地區男性急診科醫師睡眠品質因子之探討(Investigation of Factors Associated with Sleep Quality among Male Emergency Department Physicians in Taiwan)。秀傳醫學雜誌(Show-Chwan Medical Journal)12(12):1-9(Corresponding author)
  14. Koo, M., Ochirkhuyan, U., Yeh, Y.C., and Wu, H.C. (2013). Changes in health status and health services utilization of Mongolian undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan. J. Med. Health. 2(2):53-62.   
  15. 黃志芳(Huang, C. F.)、王聖棻(Wang, S. F.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)、李明和(Lee, M. H.)、陳尚志(Chen, S. C.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)(2012)。台灣南部中老年人代謝症候群盛行率及其相關因子(Prevalence and Factors Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Adults and Elderly in Southern Taiwan)。志為護理(Tzu Chi Nursing Journal)11(1):72-84
  16. 辜美安(Koo, M.)、李明和(Lee, M. H.)、張怡雅(Chang, Y. Y.)、黃志芳(Huang, C. F.)、陳尚志(Chen, S. C.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2011)。影響中老年糖尿病患者自我照顧行為之相關因子(Factors Associated with Self-Care Behaviors in Middle-Aged Adults and Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus)。護理雜誌(The Journal of Nursing)58(5):43-52(Corresponding author)
  17. 林育靖(Lin, Y. C.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)、賴允亮(Lai, Y. L.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)(2011)。安寧病房醫護人員對病患使用輔助療法的態度(Attitudes of Physicians and Nurses towards Complementary Medicine Use among Patients in Hospice Wards)。安寧療護雜誌(Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care)16(1):27-41
  18. 葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)、陳尚志(Chen, S. C.)、李明和(Lee, M. H.)、黃志芳(Huang, C. F.)、辜美安(Koo, M.)(2011)。醫護期刊論文的寫作與發表(Writing and Publishing in Medical and Nursing Journal)。台灣醫學(Formosan Journal of Medicine)15:217-224
  19. 辜美安(Koo, M.)、張怡雅(Chang, Y. Y.)、李明和(Lee, M. H.)、黃志芳(Huang, C. F.)、陳尚志 (Chen, S. C.)葉月嬌(Yeh, Y. C.)(2011)。中老年人使用輔助療法之相關因子(Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Middle-Aged Adults and Elderly)。台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌(Taiwan Geriatrics and Gerontology)6(1):29-42(Corresponding author)

  1. Yeh, Y. C. (2024) A self-assessment on innovative Learning in an interactive online translational design thinking workshop for University students. 2024 Interdisciplinary English: Instruction and InvestigationOral PresentationChiayi, Taiwan
  2. 張怡萱,葉月嬌 (2023) 台灣教保服務人員人格特質與工作壓力影響其聆聽音樂之相關因子2023全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,M-03,雲林縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  3. 葉永青,葉月嬌 (2023) 按摩膀胱經穴位改善久坐上班族下背痛與情緒焦慮之成效2023全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,M-11,雲林縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  4. Yang, W.Y., Chuang K.H., Chen, P.S., Chiu, M.H., Yang, H.W., Yeh, Y.C. (2022) Effects of Piperine on High-fat and High-cholesterol Diet Combined with Post-operative Stress Induced Cardiovascular and Hepatic Dysfunction Using Rat Models. The 4th Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare, P-26Chiayi, Taiwan(Corresponding author)
  5. Chu, Y.K., Zhong, D.Z., Huang, Y.Z., Chen, K.J., Chen, B.R., Yeh, Y.C., (2022) Effects of Co-treatment with Piperine and 5-Fluorouracil on Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer Cell Proliferation and Reducing Cardiomyocyte and Hepatic Cell Death. The 4th Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare, P-27Chiayi, Taiwan(Corresponding author)
  6. Wang, Y.R., Yeh, Y.C. (2022) Effects of Short- and Long-period Lavender Essential Oil Inhalation on Physiological and Psychological Responses of Middle-aged Adults with Hypertension. The 4th Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare, P-28Chiayi, Taiwan(Corresponding author)
  7. Chang, C.Y, Yeh, Y.C. (2022) Potential Effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Ameliorating Physiological Responses and Reducing Anxiety in Adults with Chronic Pain. The 4th Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Biotechnology and Healthcare, P-29Chiayi, Taiwan(Corresponding author)
  8. Liu, Y.Y, Yeh, Y.C. (2022) Factors Associated with the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Uses and Anxiety among Middle-aged Adults and Elderly in Taiwan. 21st International Congress of International Society for EthnopharmacologyRC008,台中市,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  9. Chuan, S.C., Yeh, Y.C. (2022) A Survey Investigation of Essential Oil Utilization for Relieving Adverse Symptoms in Middle-aged and Elderly Women with Hypertension. 2022第六屆永續發展與綠色科技研討會3-5,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  10. Kung, C.C., Yeh, Y.C. (2022) Effects of Foot Reflexology on Alleviating Physiological Responses and Anxiety in Women with Neck and Shoulder Pain. 2022第六屆永續發展與綠色科技研討會3-6,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  11. Yeh, Y. C. (2021) Pathobiological effects of tert-butyl hydroperoxide on endothelial function in a rat model. International Summit on Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease, Lecture,台中市,台灣。
  12. Yeh, Y. C. (2021) Strategies for Teaching Biological Sciences Related Courses Using English Medium Instruction. 2021 提昇學生國際移動力研討會,Oral Presentation,嘉義縣,台灣。
  13. Liu, Y. H., Liu, Y. C., Liu, Y. Y., Yeh, Y. C. (2021) Factors associated with the use of treatment modalities among middle-aged and older Taiwanese women with hypertension. 2021第五屆永續發展與綠色科技研討會3-3,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  14. Yeh, Y. C. (2021) Potential Effects of Structured Coloring Art Activities on Reducing Anxiety and Improving Mood. 2020全國生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會,Lecture,嘉義縣,台灣。
  15. Shakya, S., Palmo, J., Yeh, Y.C. (2020) Comparison of antioxidant activities and sensory evaluations for black tea from different regions. 2020全國生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會,O-1,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  16. Wu, Y.X., Guo, Y.L., Yeh, Y.C. (2020) In vivo and in vitro effects of high-fat and high-cholesterol diet on cardiac dysfunction after non-cardiac surgery using rat model. 2020全國生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會,O-5,嘉義縣,台灣。 (Corresponding author)
  17. Soh, Y. W., Syu, S. M., Wu, Y. X., Yeh, Y. C. (2019) Effects of high-fat and high-cholesterol diet on cardiac and liver dysfunctions after non-cardiac surgery in rats. 2019全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,B-12,嘉義縣,台灣。  (Corresponding author)
  18. Fan, R. J., Wu, C. F., Guo, Y. L., Yeh, Y. C. (2019) Effects of fine particulate matter 2.5 on lung cancer cell proliferation and metastasis. 2019全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,B-14,嘉義縣,台灣。 (Corresponding author)
  19. Lin Y. T., Yang P. Y., Huang C. T., Yeh Y. C. (2019) Synergistic effects of shikonin and doxorubicin on fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-regulated cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle progression in A549 and PC-9 lung cancer cells2019 The Asia Pacific Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering. P-085. Kyoto, Japan. (Corresponding author)
  20. Yeh Y. C., Tan B. C. (2019) Comparing the effects of foot baths with vibration or lavender oil on anxiety and physiological parameters in female college students. 2019 The Asia Pacific Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering. P-089. Kyoto, Japan. (Corresponding author)
  21. Lin, L. H., Yeh Y. C. (2019) Potential effects of drawing and coloring art activities on reducing anxiety and changing physiological responses in female breast cancer patients. 2019 Kaohsiung International Cancer Symposium. 高雄台灣。(Corresponding author)
  22. Chen H. P., Yeh Y. C. (2018) Comparing the effects of Drawing and Coloring Activities on Reducing Anxiety among Older Adults in Senior Citizen Active Learning Centers. 2018 International Symposium of Advanced Geriatric Molecular Medicine and Long Term CareB-5新北市台灣。(Corresponding author)
  23. Chang S. F., Yang Y. W., Yeh Y. C. (2018) Factors associated with the bowel habits and the use of different treatment modalities among the elderly perceived constipation in Taiwan: a cross-sectional survey study. 2018 International Symposium of Advanced Geriatric Molecular Medicine and Long Term CareB-4新北市台灣。(Corresponding author)
  24. 林怡婷,楊寶昱葉月嬌 (2018) Shikonin Synergistic with Doxorubicin to Antagonize the Fine Particulate matter (PM2.5) Induced Lung Cancer Cell Growth by Regulating Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Progression2018全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,C-17,雲林縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  25. 譚博謙,陳瑄嬪,葉月嬌 (2018) 比較不同足浴降低女大學生焦慮之成效。2018自然醫學暨身心靈整合實證研討會,NHU-15,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  26. 譚博謙,林容萱,洪明嬅,黃千庭,葉月嬌 (2017) 芳香足浴緩解女大學生焦慮之研究2017年自然醫學暨身心靈整合實證研討會,NHU-13,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  27. 淑芬,譚博謙,葉月嬌 (2017) 影響銀髮族便秘使用醫療之相關因子。2017年自然醫學暨身心靈整合實證研討會,NHU-14,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  28. 林芸樺,彭俊鈺,葉月嬌2016)紫草素促進小紅莓抑制細胞生長及轉移之作用。2016全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,M-04,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  29. 洪月琴,張淑芬,葉月嬌2016)影響女性護理人員痛經與使用芳香精油之因子。2016全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,M-18,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  30. 陳媗嬪,賴奕淨,譚博謙,葉月嬌2016)彩繪曼陀羅對老人焦慮程度之成效探討以台灣南部地區為例。2016全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會,M-20,嘉義縣,台灣。(Corresponding author)
  31. Yeh, Y. C., Hu, P. A., Tung, C. W., Lin, Y. H., Ke, Z. X. (2016). Protective Effects of Bromelain on Doxorubicin-induced Short- and Long-term Cardiac and Renal Dysfunction in Rat Model. 18th International Congress of Oriental Medicine. P-47. Okinawa, Japan. (Corresponding author)
  32. 胡柏安、葉月嬌(2015)。比較餵食鳳梨酵素保護艾黴素引起大白鼠不同器官短期及長期的傷害作用。2015第一屆全國大專生物科技專題競賽暨生物科技產業論壇。P34。雲林。(Corresponding author)
  33. 董佳雯、顏宏融、葉月嬌(2015)。以流式細胞儀分析不同劑量黃連素對小鼠第二型輔助型T細胞之分化作用。2015第一屆全國大專生物科技專題競賽暨生物科技產業論壇。P38。雲林。(Corresponding author)
  34. 許凱媚、鄭湘霖、葉月嬌(2014)。鳳酵素減緩化療藥物艾黴素破壞大鼠心肌細胞死亡及老化作用以及心臟功能及組織改變之機制。2014技保健產品趨勢研討會。F4。臺南。  (Corresponding author)
  35. Yen, T. T., Liang, K. L., Yeh, Y. C. (2014). Factors Associated with Physiological States and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Female Patients with Rhinitis in Taiwan: A Cross-sectional Survey. P26. 2014 International Conference on Health Promoting School.
  36. Hsu, K.M., Hu, B.A., Yeh, Y.C. (2014). Bromelain attenuates doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in H9c2 cardiomyocytes and rat hearts. p1-24. International Congress of Oriental Medicine 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.
  37. Zheng, X. L., Tung C. W., Yeh, Y. C. (2014). Protection by Bromelain against doxorubicin-mediated inflammation and apoptosis in mouse testes. p9-04. International Congress of Oriental Medicine 2014. Taipei, Taiwan.
  38. 李明和、周雍華、黃桂耀、葉月嬌(2014)。台灣中部某一縣市消防人員創傷後壓力症候群之研究。2014慢食、慢遊及環境永續國際學術研討會。PI-D-7。嘉義。
  39. Yen, T. T., Laing, K. L., Yeh, Y. C. (2014). Physiological status and health care utilizations among the adult female patients with rhinitis at a medical center in central Taiwan. PI-D-1. 2014 International Conference on Slow Food, Slow Travel, and Sustainable Environment. Chiayi.
  40. Hsu, T. K., Koo, M., Yeh, Y. C. (2014). Factors associated with the use of complementary medicines among emergency department physicians in Taiwan. PI-C-4. 2014 International Conference on Slow Food, Slow Travel, and Sustainable Environment. Chiayi.
  41. 陳慧真、陳佳宜、葉月嬌。紫草素經由p53路徑調控肺癌細胞凋亡、壞死及老化作用之機制。2013生技保健產品趨勢研討會。KI-9。臺南。
  42. 陳佳宜、陳慧珍、葉月嬌(2013)Protective effects of Angelica sinesis extract on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, cellular senescence in vascular system of rat by inhibition p53-mediated signaling pathways. 2013 東亞檢測專業技術與機能性食品評估研討會。P22。臺北。
  43. 李明和、葉月嬌、楊崑德。(2013)。行動化社區老人雲端急診醫療照護系統。2013第八屆國際健康資訊管理研討會。I-19。嘉義。
  44. Chen, J.Y., Shin, T.H., Chen, H.J., Wang, L.C., Yeh, Y.C. (2013). Protective effects of Angelica sinesis Extract on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, cellular senescence in vascular system of rat by inhibiting p53-mediated signaling pathways. P014. International Conference of Traditional and Complementary Medicine on Health 2013. Taipei, Taiwan.
  45. Hsu, T. K., Koo, M., Yeh, Y. C. (2013). Complementary and alternative medicine use in the management of sleep quality among emergency physicians in Taiwan. 21st International HPH Conference. Svenska Mässan, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Oral mini-presentations)
  46. Yeh, Y. C., Tsai, C. H., Liu, T. J., Lai, H. C., Wang, L. C. (2013). Bromelain prevents mouse testis from tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced dysfunction by inhibiting apoptosis, inflammation, and cellular senescence. Experimental Biology 2013. Boston, USA. (Poster A425)
  47. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Shin, T. H., Wang, L. C., Lai, H. C. (2013). Cytotoxicity effects of tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced p53 -mediated cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis and aging in rat aortic endothelial cells and aorta: inhibition by Angelica sinesis extracts. Experimental Biology 2013. Boston, USA. (Poster A6)
  48. Yeh, Y. C., Tsao, H., Koo, M., Liang. K. L., Jiang, R. San. (2012). What Influences Choice of Treatment Modality among Patients with Rhinitis in Taiwan? The 24th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society and 31th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS & ISIAN 2012 Congress). Toulouse, France. (Poster)
  49. Liang, K. L., Jiang, R. S., Wang, R. C., Huang, W. C., and Yeh, Y. C. (2012). Induction of Antigen-specific Immunological Tolerance Prevents Allergic Airway Inflammation in Mouse. The 24th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society and 31th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS & ISIAN 2012 Congress). Toulouse, France. (Platform)
  50. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Lo, J. C., Wang, L. C., Peng, C. Y., and Wang, R. C. (2012). Underlying mechanisms of tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced vascular cell dysfunction and senescence in rats: in vivo and in vitro studies. Experimental Biology 2012. San Diego, USA. (Poster B41)
  51. Shin, T. H., Huang, C. W., Lo, J. C., Lee, H. W., Peng, C. Y., and Yeh, Y. C. (2012). Effects of tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced vascular cell dysfunction in rats by in vivo and in vitro studies. The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 054)
  52. Tsai, C. H., Wang, L. C., and Yeh, Y. C. (2012). Tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide induced testicular toxicity in mice through cell cycle regulation, senescence and apoptosis. The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 055)
  53. Day, W. C., Liang, K. L., Huang, W. C., Lin, C. C., Wang, R. C., and Yeh, Y. C. (2012). Effects of allergen-specific immunological tolerance in upper and lower airway: a mouse model. The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 056)
  54. Liang, K. L., Jiang, R. S., Wang, R. C., and Yeh, Y. C. (2011). A mouse model of global inflammatory airway disease. XIV International Rhinologic Society & XXX International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose (IRS/ISTAN 2011). Tokyo, Japan. (Platform)
  55. Yeh, Y. C., Lo, J. C., Wang, L. C., and Ou, H. C. (2011). The protective effects of Angelica sinesis extracts against tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in rat vascular endothelial cells. Experimental Biology 2011. Washington D.C., USA. (Poster 863)
  56. Lin J. H, Huang C. W., Liu, J. L., Lo, J. C., and Yeh, Y. C. (2011). The protective effects of Angelica sinesis extracts against tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in rat vascular endothelial cells. The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 315)
  57. 梁凱莉、江榮山、王任卿、邱于容、葉月嬌(2010)。以小鼠模式研究上下呼吸道發炎疾病的關連性。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會。第八十九屆學術演講會。台北。
  58. Yeh, Y. C., Xie, L. P., Langdon, J. M., Oh, S. Y., Zhu, Z., and MacDonald, S. M. (2009). Human recombinant histamine-releasing factor (HRF) enhances ovalbumin (OVA)- induced lung allergic inflammation in inducible transgenic mouse model. P184, The Annual Meeting of American Academic of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Washington D.C., USA.
  59. Yeh, Y. C. (2008). Human recombinant histamine-releasing factor enhances ovalbumin-induced lung allergic inflammation in inducible transgenic mouse model. The 3rd Respiratory, Inflammation, and Autoimmunity Abstract Competition, Gaithersburg, MD, USA. (Platform 11)
  60. Yeh, Y. C., Liu, T. J., Wang, L. C., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Lee, H. W., Wang, K. Y., Lai, H. C., and Lai, H. C. (2008). Amelioration of doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress by Ginkgo biloba Extract in rat testes. The 23th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 490)
  61. Liu, T. J., Yeh, Y. C., Lee, H. W., Ting, C. T., Lee, W. L., Wang, L. C., Wang, K. Y., Lai, H. C., and Lai, H. C. (2008). Ginkgo biloba extract 761 prevents p53-mediated apoptotic effects of doxorubicin in rat hearts and cardiomyocytes. The 23th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 117)
  62. Lo, N. W., Cheng, R. S., Yeh, Y. C., and Yang, V. C. (2007). Characterization of the regulatory elements of the spermatogenesis of the spermatogenesis-specific Esx1 gene. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. San Antonio, USA. (Poster 172)
  63. Yeh, Y. C., Lai, H. C., Ting, C. T., Wang, L. C., Wang, K. Y., and Liu, T. J. (2007). Effects of doxycycline on doxorubicin-induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in mouse testes. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. San Antonio, USA. (Poster 547)
  64. Yeh, Y. C., Yang, V. C., and Lo, N. W. (2005). In vitro analysis of the putative promoter regions of Esx1 gene in testis and placenta. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Quebec, Canada. (Platform 161)
  65. Yeh, Y. C., Yang, V. C., and Lo, N. W. (2004). Analysis of the Putative Promoter Regions of Esx1 Gene in Mouse Testicular Germ Cells. The 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology. Washington D.C., USA. (Poster 495)
  66. Yeh, Y. C., Lee, S. L., Lee, K. C., Yang, V. C., and Lo, N. W. (2004). Stage-dependent expression of the Esx1 protein and functional analysis of the Esx1 antiserum in sperm sexing. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Vancouver, Canada. (Poster 595)
  67. Lee, S. L., Yeh., Y. C., Yang, V. C., and Lo, N. W. (2004). Effects of Melatonin and L-Carnitine on the Expression of Stress Response Gene, X-form Esx1, in Mouse Testis under Transport Stress. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 33 (4): 73, Taipei, Taiwan (Platform).
  68. Lee, S. L., Yeh., Y. C., Yang, V. C., and Lo, N. W. (2004). Effects of Melatonin and L-Carnitine on the Expression of Stress Response Gene, X-form Esx1, in Mouse Testis under Transport Stress. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 33 (4): 73, Taipei, Taiwan (Platform).
  69. Yeh, Y. C., Huang, W. H., Yan, C. C., and Lo, N. W. (2003). Characterization of the Esx1 promoter activities in mouse male germ cells. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 32 (4): 91, Taichung, Taiwan. (Platform)
  70. Yeh, Y. C., Huang, S. C., and Lo, N. W. (2002). Stage-dependent expression of the Esx1 in mouse testis. Proceedings of the 4th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology Congress. Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster 9-5)
  71. Yeh, Y. C., Huang, S. C., and Lo, N.W. (2002). The specific expression of the ESX1 in the testis and spermatozoa. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 31 (4): 198, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster)
  72. Yeh, Y. C. and Fan, S.S (2001) crumbs mediates the nuclear migration in developing Drosophila eye. P68, The 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.
  73. Yeh, Y. C., Huang, G. Y., and Yang, V.C. (1999). Identification of scavenger receptor SR-BI in the endothelial cells and the smooth cells in vitro. Microscopy and Microanalysis:5(2)1338-1339. Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis'99, Portland, Oregon. Aug. 1-5. (Poster)
秘書:簡伊汝 連絡電話:05-2721001分機1091 e-mailblythe@nhu.edu.tw
